Automatic extinguishing system
The extinguishing systems work automatically, but can also be triggered manually
Thermal oil is used above its flash point in thermal oil systems. It is combustible. When there is a leak inside a thermal oil heater, e.g. in the coil, the thermal oil can burn. When ignited it will continue to burn even when the fuel burner is off, as long as there is enough oxygen and a continuous leakage of thermal oil.
There are two effective ways to extinguish such a fire, either with argon or with water mist. In both variants, the fire is extinguished by removing oxygen. When extinguishing with water mist, the fire is smothered with a fine water mist. In addition to the almost unlimited availability of water, the heat source is cooled down by evaporating the water droplets. A renewed ignition of the flames by the hot heat transfer oil will be prevented.
Thermal oil leaking into a hot heater can be dangerous, even when there is no flame. Light ends, evaporating at temperatures of 250°C or below, can accumulate inside the heater. Together with the oxygen in the air, they can form an explosive mixture which may ignite at hot surfaces.
The NESS extinguishing and cooling system sprays a very fine water mist into the hot water heater. This flushes the heater volume, reduces the oxygen concentration and at the same time cools the heater by the evaporation of the water droplets. The spray head for the water mist is fully automatically driven in case of fire with a lance in the burner, but can also be triggered manually. An automatic self-test program checks the smooth functioning regularly.
In the case of fire, it can be extinguished with the removal of oxygen in the thermal oil heater. For this, inert gases can be used. One of these gases is argon and is best suited for its characteristics. It is much heavier than air, which is the best way for heaters to flood through your closed soil.
When setting up the extinguishing system, attention must be paid to the correct dimensioning in order to determine the required gas volume. The extinguishing system works fully automatically and can also be triggered manually.
Functionality Water Mist Fire Extinguishing and
Cooling Systems / Nozzle, retractability of the nozzle and layout:
Cooling water